Unlock your phone from Vodafone, O2, Meteor or Three Ireland

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There are some websites that offer free NAC codes – it would be risky to go with them. More than likely you will end up wasting one of your code entering attempts.

There also are specialised websites that sell NAC codes. The only problem with them is that you can not independently verify their credibility. On ebay you screen sellers using ebay’s rating system and overall number of transactions they have made so far.

There is some risk. The code you purchase may not work. You can make mistake entering the code – usually there is a number of failed attempts after which you will need another code to be able to try again. Other than that – there is not much that can go wrong.

You risk little money and one attempt at inserting the NAC code. Compared to having to top up by well over 100 euro in an expensive network it makes the mobile phone unlocking method outlined above well worth giving a go.