Shops with credit card payment

Posted by Andy on September 27, 2011

Ability to sell directly from your website and securely accept credit card payments is an excellent feature. This is especially suited to those who want to start selling online with minimum startup cost.

According to Irish Times, in 2011 Irish consumers spent whooping 3 billion euro online. This is a massive market, and you can reach it with minimum setup cost.

If you are looking to start selling online have a look at my €299 online store package. At this price there is no reason to wait. You not only will receive full-featured e-store, but allso valuable comprehensive training so you can hit the ground running. Too busy to manage your store yourself? Have a look at my website and store management service.

Below you will find answers to typical questions / concerns, however if there is anything more specific you would like to know, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

I know nothing about selling online – will I be able to do it?

Yes – you will receive full training covering inserting products to your shop, managing them and receiving payments.

Is there much work involved on my side?

No – I offer a turnkey solution. You start selling from the day one. All you have to do is insert your product and give prices. You will receive training on how to do it.

Is the credit card payment secure?

Yes – all credit card payments are processed by PayPal. This means credit card details are never shared with you, and payment process is completely out of your control. All you receive (apart from the money of course) is delivery details and customer’s contact information.

If you need an online store, please ring me on the phone number on top of the page or using contact form below.


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